A Grounded Approach
Increasingly, it makes sense for an academic program focusing on the study of things Korean to be conducted in Korea, in order to utilize the unique opportunity to take advantage of direct exposure to the empirical/experiential source of data and approaches that should inform Korea-related research for the increasing number of thinkers and academics who will eventually engage in ethnographic fieldwork and/or even work directly with commerce and industry as the basis for serious research towards a thesis or a similar academic endeavor. In short, for those who engage in significant projects related to Korea, it should go without saying that it will be extremely helpful to gain key skills in certain fields in Korea, with the interdisciplinary that actually works best in the real world. Especially if one's major project is in or on Korea, doesn't this make perfect sense? 

New, Heavily Mediated Methodologies
One of the key problems with traditional academia is the fact thta much the research and writing there is problematically FUBU -- For Us, (read only) By Us.